This tree give me a lot of pleasure every year since I got it from my bonsai friend 7 years ago.
Privet is a very common and versatile plant. It has been used to make walls, ground fences..
The flowers are small and fragrant and the fruits are small purple to black drupes.
Another joy of bonsai is in selecting a pot for transplanting. To find/select a well-fitting pot from many different pots in size, shape and color always make me exicting.
For evergreen, needle-leafed trees, use pots of red earthenware, dark gray earthenware.
For deciduous flowering trees, use celadon porcelain pot if the flowers are white or yellow,
and use grey ones if the flowers are red. For deciduous trees with fruits, use white earthenware
or violet earthenware. Usually don't use pot of same color with flower and fruit.
Personally I feel yellow pot is well matching with white flower and black fruit of privet tree.
It ensure the enjoyment of pot as well as the tree.
Previous pictures..

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