Wednesday, February 23, 2011


 Tree hight 16cm,  25 years old
I got this Juniper from a bonsai shop 6 years ago. 

Juniper bonsai are among the most popular of all bonsai plants. In addition to maple, elm,
and pine, junipers are one of the most frequently used for bonsai. In their natural state they can be found throughout the world. Junipers are hardy, evergreen conifers that have long, trailing branches suitable for developing into excellent specimens using a variety of styles, and they can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions.
Junipers generally live long lives, so if you take good care of your juniper bonsai tree you will be rewarded as the plant continues to grow more beautiful as it matures with the passing years

Wild Rose

Tree hight 17cm, 15 years old
I took this wild rose from bonsai nursery 8 years ago and this tree is my long years friend.
Its flower is very beautiful with good smell in the spring and give a lot of pleasure to me.
It is not always easy, yet bonsai can enrich our lives with beauty and inspiration.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gardenia (梔子)

Tree hight 18cm,  27 years old
6 years ago I got this tree from a bonsai shop who import/sell Japaneses bonsai trees.
Gardenia is a evergreen tree and prized for the strong sweet scent of their flowers. 
The fruits is used as a yellow dye(crocin), which is used for clothes and food.
Gardenias have a reputation for being difficult to grow. Because they originated in warm humid tropical areas, they demand high humidity to thrive and weak in cold weather. They flourish in

acidic soils with good drainage. Potting soils developed especially for gardenias are available.

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